Meet Derek Cockrum

Me with my grandson Tristan. He's just about ready to start his own Home Based Business!

Hello, I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about my background.

My name is Derek Cockrum. I created this site a few years back after I quit my "job" ...and while, the road has not always paved with gold, I must admit ... I really enjoy it!

Yes, I had a well paying job that I'd worked at for almost 20 years but, like a lot of others, I always dreamed of "someday" breaking out of my comfort zone to start my own online business.

Like a most of us, I was really fed up with the long commute, the political battles, abrasive management and being under-appreciated at my job. Who needs the non-sense?

From the very beginning, I had seen others who were successful owning their businesses, and I just knew I had a huge potential for creating my own business.

So, I researched it, gave it some serious thought and soon my dreams of owning my own business was a reality!

I won't tell you that it's been easy. While having an online business doesn't require a genius IQ (Yes, anyone can do it) you just need good direction, people to learn from and the right tools.

I listened to a lot of so called Internet gurus and got my pockets picked many times. There are plenty of money grabbers on the web and most of them pride themselves on telling you the truth about Internet marketing but they don't tell you the WHOLE truth.

I hate seeing people get misled and I try to be as honest and respectful to my visitors as I can, it's what you deserve. After all, you've come to me for help.

I have several Internet and affiliate marketing sites and I devote my entire business to managing them along with answering questions from my readers and performing research for my businesses. I do it because I love it and I want to help you love it too!

Today, the Internet holds phenomenal potential for those wanting to make money from home. As more and more people depend on the Internet for information, goods and services, the opportunities get better and better.

So, if you're looking to build a home based business, perhaps I can help eliminate some of your frustrations or at least help you determine an online business that is right for you, or perhaps just help you make a few extra dollars on the side.

I'll do all I can to help you stay informed, avoid scams, cut through the B.S. and help support you in your effort to make money from home.

Take your time and read all of the information on this site.
You don't want to miss anything!

I look forward to seeing you on the "inside"...

To Your Success!
Derek Cockrum

"Click Here! Your Personal Guide To Online Success."

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