eBook Business

SOFTWARE REVIEW: Start an eBook business worth
$250,000... $750,000...
$1 Million or more per year!

Review: eBook Pro 6.0 -- Secure eBook Publishing System

eBook BusinessI just finished creating my first eBook with the new eBook Pro 6.0 secure publishing system, and I wanted to share my experience with you so you could decide if this system
is right for YOUR online business!

I was a bit nervous when I was getting started, because
I'm sure as heck not one of those "tech savvy" people who can figure out new software on the spot...

... And as for my graphic design skills?
Forget about it! I can barely draw a stick man!

But the minute I started using eBook Pro 6.0, all of my fears were put to rest!

eBook Pro 6.0 is SO easy to use! They've put in a bunch
of "point-and-click wizards" that literally make building and customizing an eBook from scratch as simple as clicking your computer's mouse!

One click to choose a professional design from the many templates that are included... a couple of clicks to customize it with your own logo, icons and other features... then a couple more clicks to add your eBook's security features...

... and presto! You've got an unstealable, professionally designed and produced
eBook that will sell like hotcakes!

But usability is not the only reason I like eBook Pro 6.0 so much! It also has some really cool features that make it an indispensable part of any online business strategy!

For example, did you know you can use eBook Pro 6.0 to make "viral" eBooks that can drive 1,000s of qualified buyers to your web site?

Don't let the name put you off! Viral marketing just means 'word of mouth,' and here's how it works...

You can add an "e-mail to a friend" button to your eBook. So, when someone reads it and sees that it's FULL of useful information, they'll happily pass it along
to all of their friends and associates...
who in turn pass it along to their friends and associates...
and so on...

... like a snowball rolling down a mountain! Your single eBook ends up in the hands of hundreds -- even thousands -- of people.

And best of all, eBook Pro collects their contact information, so you can
then follow up with everyone using e-mail marketing!

And if you already have a web site that sells eBooks, there are
plenty of features you'll want to know about, too -- like the ability
to make Free Trial copies of your eBook that you can "turn off" if your customer decides not to purchase at the end of the trial.

This strategy alone can increase your sales by 200%!

The bottom line? Derek Gehl and his team have hit a home run with their new eBook Pro 6.0 secure publishing system! It's exactly what you need to start an eBook business and make secure, professional looking eBooks that can potentially send 1,000s of qualified buyers to your web site who will buy up everything in sight! I give this product my absolute highest recommendation.

Click Here to read a more detailed report about how eBook Pro 6.0 works, and how it can help your eBook Business!

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